Monday, September 6, 2021

Update: Regarding Some Changes Going Forward... (Sept. 2021)

Hi, everyone! I know I've been kind of silent lately, but I've had quite a few things going on in my life lately. And now I'm starting school again. Unfortunately the summer was not as... relaxing and rejuvenating as I thought it would be! It was in some aspects, but definitely could have been better.

So, I'm here today to give a bit of a major update that comes after a lot of thought and reflection on what I want to be / contribute to the online TTRPG sphere. I've enjoyed my time in the sphere, and I'm not going anywhere (don't worry) but there's some restructuring to be done in one major aspect.

I'm no longer going to be writing session summaries and posting them here.

This decision was a difficult one to make, especially because I do enjoy writing them. I like having the written record of what has occurred, especially because I am a very forgetful person. However, they take up a lot of my time. I've found myself, in the last couple of months when I actually have free time, still floundering, trying to figure out when I'm going to find the time to write them. The free time that I have just... isn't enough. I work, and I have games to plan, aside from summarize.

Now that I'm going back to school for my last year of university (yay!) and I'm also working a little more, it's only going to get harder. Granted, I could write shorter summaries, but... I don't want to. I feel like that's doing them a disservice, in a way. I like how they're structured, and I like the detail I put into them. It makes it feel... right; it makes it feel like a true summary. I don't want to feel like (for lack of a better term) I'm half-assing it. I'd rather provide thorough, thought-out content for this that is a reflection of my hard work in the medium of TTRPGs. I want to do that with the session summaries, but I don't think they will be the quality I want them to be right now, if I continue to do them. I want all of you to be able to enjoy the game as much as my players do, and a quality summary is the best way to do that. And I can't guarantee their quality right now.

Will the summaries that are on the blog stay there? Yes, yes they will. The information on the characters in the game will also stay. None of the previous posts will be going anywhere.

Will I stop writing them forever? I don't know. Right now I will not be, but things could change in the future. And it could be that I just... keep going from wherever I am in those campaigns at any given time! I'm not sure yet what will happen. If the campaigns that I've been posting about here finish, I think I'll give something of a wrap-up statement that kind of... closes my thoughts on the games very nicely. A nice... over-all, it's-over-now type of summary, if you will.

So what's happening with the blog? Well... I want to go back to my original plan for what this blog was supposed to be: concept posts. That was what inspired me to do this in the first place, and I don't feel like I do enough of them. I want to go back to my roots, as it was. I want to talk about ideas, storylines, cool characters and settings, and whatever else my brain has rattling around in it. Those posts don't take as much time to write, and they allow for (in my opinion) more creative expression while writing than a session summary does. That was really the goal for this blog: creative expression. While session summaries are fun to write and share, and useful to me as a DM, there are other, better ways that I think I could be expressing myself at this time.

I'll be changing my upload schedule on Twitter (@Em_CampsNChars) in the coming days to reflect this change. I don't know when I'll be posting regularly again (as I'm getting used to this new schedule) but it'll be soon, ideally.

Thanks for all the support, guys! I hope you all continue to enjoy the content that's here, and I'll talk to you all again soon.

Campaign Concept: United We Stand

What Are We Making? I'm back! I'm out of university (with a bachelor's degree, huzzah!) and I figured it was time to get back in...