Tri-Panthonic War is my longest running campaign - going on for over a year at this point in time. As a result, it will be difficult for me to really sum up absolutely everything that has happened. I can, however, point you in some directions that might clear things up. I highly recommend reading my blog post about the "Veteran Adventuring Party" concept. That will be located under "NPC Concepts." One of the NPCs I list there, Celorfin "Finn" Lihtaur, travels with this party. The main quest is stated in its simplest form in the "About Me & My Games" page.

The world is called "Roglovar" and this is the most recent iteration of the world map (made by me, using Inkarnate.) The symbols mark the major capitals of each country or province. It is colored based on the most popular religion in each area.- Red: Farelism (Forgotten Realms Pantheon)
- Green: Gudism (Norse Pantheon)
- Yellow: Thriskism (Greek Pantheon)
- Orange: The Following of Obsidian - this was a religion created by a former PC (Obsidian) where the god was himself. It has been some time since the party has seen him. His religion is growing in the places where he, as part of this party, had done a great deal of good before leaving them.
I'd also ask that you bear in mind that I frequently reuse the names of places and NPCs (as well as their cultures, appearances, etc.) across campaigns. All of the kingdoms on the northern continent of Roglovar are also the names of the major kingdoms featured in my other homebrew world of Farrowyn, seen in my Matchmaker Campaign. I originally tested the idea of "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" on a smaller scale in this setting.
This campaign is comprised of myself (The DM) and three regular players with a fourth who comes in when he can. We all attend the same university. We decided to take a break from this campaign in mid-November, since finals were only a few weeks away and for two of our players, it was their second-to-last semester. Additionally, the bulk of our classes are online, due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, so making sure we had time to complete all the work that comes with the end of an online semester was the top priority in our lives.
However, during that time, I conducted several mini-sessions with all of my regular players while the characters themselves took a short hiatus from their main adventure. In game, this hiatus lasted from mid-April to June 19th: the day before the Summer Solstice. This is an account of those mini sessions.
The last time the party was whole, Boris and Venus took a trip to Isverden, specifically to the Nation Under the Mountains. There, Venus had the opportunity to kill Faevian Grey - the man who enslaved her at five years old and forced her to fight in a gladiator ring for twenty years before she escaped. She also rescued a half-elven girl of about 5 years old who had been owned by the same man. She named her Luna and effectively adopted her along with her boyfriend, Civis. They also killed Faevian Grey's wife, Ahlysira, who was looking to kill Finn based on some past transgressions. They orphaned Jeremiah Grey, their 16-year-old son, who was being abused by his parents. Jeremiah took his inheritance from his wealthy parents, and moved to Rugathore, Aldea, just down the street from Caldor and Finn's house. Boris took it upon himself to ensure that Jeremiah settled down before returning to Midtia to hunt The Dusk - the assassin's guild that is harboring the most recently discovered cult.
Meanwhile, Sylyeras spent much time on the Xandan Sea with his pregnant Pirate Lord wife, Ariel. Both of them are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child.
Sylyeras's younger half-sister, Yera, has been continuing her Cleric studies under Caldor Lihatur - Finn's husband - back in Rugathore, Aldea. She is also pregnant, and due to give birth very, very soon. She has since warmed up to the idea of motherhood, knowing that she has help now thanks to her adopted dads, Finn and Caldor. Helping take care of her new adopted younger brother, Casper, has also made her more excited to have a baby of her own.
The party has split. This is what they were up to in the two months they had to themselves.
Venus Milton
Setting: The small town of Vesnurk in the country of Saspar, mostly at Civis's bakery or her family's vineyard and winery.
Venus spent her time away getting reacquainted with her very large family that she'd been separated from for 20 years as a child. Her single mother, two brothers, three sisters, sister-in-law, niece, and four nephews welcomed her and her new child, Luna, with open arms. So did her boyfriend of only four months, Civis Nabelleth - the town of Vesnurk's local triton baker. He was even incredibly supportive of the fact that Venus had taken in this child so suddenly and opted to let her stay with him, since the winery was so full these days.
Venus was not the only child who had been kidnapped from this family. Her older sisters, Diana and Juno, had also gone missing but were since found, along with their sons (each of them had two.) They hadn't been in the same situation that Venus had been. Reuniting the family was something very exciting but difficult for everyone involved. The three girls had been through a lot and had missed so much of the lives of their family members. Diana and Juno's sons went from having very small families to having a very big one. Diana's son, Zane, was fourteen and always had a lot of independence. He was struggling with the sheer number of authority figures in the house now and also struggling with actually learning how to be a kid. The Milton-Waters Family took their time together, learning how to be a family again - not the same family, but a family nonetheless. They took the first steps they needed to take, and that was what was important.
Venus and Civis also took their time deciding exactly what roles they wanted to be in Luna's life. They didn't know if she had been kidnapped too, like Venus had, but judging from the fact that she had very little knowledge about "families," they gathered that she hadn't. She was likely born into some kind of slavery. Over the course of two months, she had opened up to them more and more.
Venus's younger sister, Minerva (or "Minnie,") graduated Wizarding University. The whole Milton-Waters family went to the ceremony and gala. They also met her boyfriend, a drow by the name of Pharius Veladorn. He was an expert Wizard of the War Magic variety. The verifiable patriarch of the family, Confidence Milton, performed at the gala as well, alongside his former party member, Helena Cassius.
Venus took a short trip to Aldea when Yera gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Once Yera was recovered, she and Finn took a trip to Vesnurk to visit the Milton-Waters family. They did a few things. They went to a ball in the capital city of Saspar, Jarna, with their boyfriends, Venus's brother Vulcan, and his boyfriend Virion. They also discussed something for Finn.
Finn has a daughter, Aurinia, who is a dryad and lives in The Summer Court of the Feywild. Being a dryad, she's tethered there to an oak tree. Finn is an Archfey Warlock of the Summer Queen. His patron has only granted him permission to see her once a year, when he fulfills part of his pact and comes to the Summer Cotillion on the Summer Solstice. They, through research and discussion, were able to find a plausible way to remove Aurinia from the Feywild and tether her to a new tree on the Material Plane, so she can live with Finn and his husband Caldor. As long as they can get The Summer Queen's permission, of course.
Sylyeras and his wife Ariel also visited the Milton-Waters Family. He and Venus had the chance to catch up about Isverden, and discuss plans going forward. He and Ariel have also made plans to go and visit their new niece when they get the chance.
Boris Rasputin
Setting: The kingdom of Midtia.
After the semi-successful assassination attempt on the royal family of Midtia, Boris made it his personal mission to seek out and kill any remaining members of The Dusk that he could find. He'd gone on a warpath similar to this against the cult of Ares, The Rams of War, and had instilled quite a bit of fear in the general members. He earned himself a reputation as "The Ram Butcher."
After attending the funeral of Queen Mother Spider, Queen Wisps, and the young Prince Snow of the Midtian Royal Family, he stayed to be part of a task force that was going after The Dusk. He was also informed that a prominent adventurer from the eastern continent of Ekatoli was going to be joining this force: Arlo Fields. Boris had only heard whispers of this adventurer, and that was several months ago. He did get the chance to meet him - a human Paladin, of the Farelist god of dawn and rebirth: Lathander. He also discovered that Arlo was a Sorcerer, but Arlo insisted that he doesn't really talk about "that side of his family."
The two of them teamed up, along with three other adventurers, only one of which was sort of familiar to Boris: Thaedrus Beck. He had been in Prince Fang's Royal Selection, but had declined the position of Royal Courtesan on the premise that he wasn't sexually attracted to men. In the massacre that had occurred at the Midtian Royal Palace, he'd lost his mother and his older sister had taken on the family's titles. Boris knew that he was a Fighter, but had never seen him in combat.
They took a quest in the southern mountains of Midtia, where they traveled for several weeks, investigating alleged Dusk sightings. Finally, they came across some grunts, who (with proper coercion) told Boris and his party that there was a meeting going on behind a wall of illusory rocks.
The party advanced and found themselves at an old temple to Surtur, the Gudist god of fire giants and the patron god of another known cult: Giant's Sword. They fought a fire giant, and then none other than Maelyn Writes - the leader of Giant's Sword. She gave them the chance to let her by and walk away from a fight. Boris refused, and insisted on one.
With two fireballs, she killed Thaedrus and knocked the other two party members out, leaving only Arlo and Boris. Arlo fought Maelyn's two guards. Maelyn attempted to escape, but Boris pursued.
They got into an epic one-on-one fight, but Boris still had one dose of The Dusk's poison left. He put it on his sword and cut into her, doing massive amounts of damage. However, she knocked him down and made her escape. Thankfully, Boris survived, but only thanks to a Natural 20 on his first death saving throw.
He returned to the rest of his party. Arlo had healed their other party members and they collected Thaedrus's ashes to return to his family on their way back to the capital.
Yera Lihtaur
Setting: Rugathore, Aldea. At the home of Finn and Caldor Lihtaur.
For several months, Yera had been writing letters to a member of Sylyeras's crew: Kiln, a fire genasi. They'd had a fling once and kept a friendly relationship since. They saw each other for the first time in years at Sylyeras's wedding and that was when they decided to write more. Finn's teleporting fox, Scarlett, helped deliver their letters.
Kiln surprised Yera one day by showing up in Rugathore to spend more time with her. Once there, the two decided to go on a date or two and they found that they liked the idea of having an exclusive relationship, even though Kiln was still dead-set on sailing. They would make it work.
Yera finally gave birth to her baby - a little girl named Elle. She also gave her the middle name Fae, after Finn's former fiancee, who he'd lost before he could marry back in his adventuring days.
Yera also asked Finn and Caldor if they would be willing to help her with something. Her mother was a notorious Pirate Lord, and a cruel one at that. Her name was Isabelle Ashglade. Yera used to sail for her, and now owed her quite a bit of money. She wanted out of the pirate life for good and she needed help. Finn and Caldor obliged, and that led to a confrontation with Pirate Lord Ashglade that put her and Finn against each other. She swore she would kill him if she saw him again, but let Yera go after being paid a hefty sum of coin.
When Yera and Finn returned to Rugathore, Caldor gave them some bad news. Casper, their half-tabaxi son, was sick. Normally, when tabaxi and humans and have children together, they are either human or tabaxi. Sometimes, the right (or wrong) genes mix, and the resulting child will be a half-tabaxi. However, half-tabaxi get sick as a result of their genetic makeup. About 50% of half-tabaxi children live to the age of 8. 25% live to adulthood. If you live to that point, typically you're good.
Casper is only six years old. He's just started his first sickness.
Sylyeras Taldin
Setting: The western Xandan Sea and Vesnurk, Saspar.
Sylyeras didn't get up to much over the past couple of months, other than spending some much-needed time with his pregnant wife. He spent most of his time sailing with her. They started getting ready for their new son (a son, they were told by a future-seeing dragon.) He even made her a new "baby corner" in her quarters on her ship.
During his time with Venus and her family, he also lost a bet against Civis. He got himself a new piercing: snake bites under his lip - Civis's choice.
He and Ariel are still currently staying in Vesnurk, spending time with the rest of the Milton-Waters family.
The game will resume on Wednesday, December 30th 2020. After that, games will be weekly, on Thursdays. Summaries should be up by Friday.